How Our Program Management Office Was Built

Apex’s PMO offering is one-of-a-kind in the multi-site industry.

The world of Program Management Offices (PMOs) can be a bit of a mixed bag. Many excel in brainstorming and “big ideas” that sound impressive… yet falter when the rubber meets the road.

That’s where Apex Imaging Services breaks the mold. We’re not just another PMO; our clients have communicated that our guidance and support is a breath of fresh air in the multi-site industry.

Apex Program Management Office (PMO) adds executive-level consultative leadership to your team to support your programs from preliminary conceptualization, development, planning, execution, and closeout.

So how did we craft a service that delivers value from concept to closeout? Here’s a peek behind the curtain of how we built Apex’s Program management service.

We Built It Over Decades

Our journey into offering a Program Management Office wasn't a spontaneous decision. Our journey has roots that stretch back over forty years—back to a time when tech was big, clunky, and nowhere near as cool as it is today. Think more fax machines and less cloud computing. As we expanded our suite of services in general contracting, technology, project management, and construction management, it naturally led our client partners to seek our expertise and consulting in the program management space as well.

We Built It Intentionally to Fix The Gaps

Our decades-long front-row seat to the world of PMOs has given us invaluable insights into what works—and, importantly, what doesn't. At Apex, we don’t just see ourselves as participants in the Program Management field; we're determined to be innovators who challenge the status quo. We've seen where others have faltered, where the gaps lie, and we've tailored our approach to bridge these gaps.

We Built It to Deliver A Holistic Solution (...Without Outsourcing)

One of the most frequent accolades we hear from our clients is our unique capability to manage everything under one roof. From program management, construction management, project management, A&E services, surveys, logistics, to general contracting services and our proprietary technology platform—all are integrated and managed under one roof here at Apex. We’re proud to offer clients a “total solution”

Our CEO, Hal Hargrave, puts it succinctly: "It's crucial that we possess both the bandwidth and the in-house expertise to cover all these roles and responsibilities, ensuring everything is under the Apex umbrella, not outsourced." This comprehensive approach allows us to deliver consistent and higher-quality programs.

Ready to level up your brand and team?

If your brand is moving beyond the phase of building the basic infrastructure of programs and is ready to invest in being more strategic and taking things to the next level, Apex PMO can help.

Apex Program Management Office (PMO) adds executive-level consultative leadership to your team to support your programs from preliminary conceptualization, development, planning, execution, and closeout.

We’re here to help provide solutions that solve your most pressing challenges. Click the “Discover Our PMO Services” button below to learn more.

Beau Morris

Project Manager


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